Batting and Fielding in Waitaki-Tekau Trophy 1978/79 (Ordered by Runs)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAveSRate10050CtSt
PG d'Auvergne (SC)2217155*71.00  011 
BN Duncan (CO)2206660  33.00  010 
BV Sampson (Ash)2206159  30.50  011 
IG Pitches (NO)2205732  28.50  000 
BK McSkimming (CO)2205431  27.00  000 
RS Wilson (NO)2204935  24.50  000 
GAW Blakely (CO)2204038  20.00  001 
TG Robertson (NO)2213724*37.00  000 
NM Parker (SC)2203737  18.50  003 
WD Smith (Ash)2203633  18.00  001 
G Waldron (CO)2213127  31.00  000 
GT Taiaroa (NO)2203017  15.00  001 
MR Holmes (Ash)2202916  14.50  001 
PDA Cook (NO)2202828  14.00  002 
LS Williams (SC)2202717  13.50  000 
P Thomas (Ash)2202517  12.50  002 
TD Sutherland (CO)2202321  11.50  000 
LE Anderson (CO)2202319  11.50  000 
NF Richards (SC)2202020  10.00  003 
GJ Spicer (Ash)2201919  9.50  001 
PJ Burton (Ash)1101717  17.00  001 
GD Johnston (NO)2201613  8.00  000 
JU Varcoe (SC)2201414  7.00  000 
M Ward (Ash)1101414  14.00  000 
BJ Davidson (SC)2221313*  002 
WJ Pyle (CO)2211212*12.00  002 
M Harris (Ash)2201111  5.50  000 
J Barrie (CO)220106  5.00  000 
BW Andrews (SC)22088  4.00  000 
WL Eddington (SC)22074  3.50  000 
RJ Mason (NO)21066  6.00  000 
LAJ Bond (Ash)22255*  000 
MJ Hooper (Ash)22155  5.00  000 
RD Smith (Ash)21055  5.00  0021
TD Ovens (NO)22044  2.00  000 
AW McHutchon (CO)21144*  000 
GW Rennie (Ash)22032  1.50  002 
J Cunningham (NO)11122*  000 
CW Buttar (CO)22011  0.50  000 
RH King (SC)21111*  001 
JW Durning (SC)22000  0.00  000 
GN Johnston (NO)22000  0.00  000 
KN Thickett (NO)21100*  000 
IS MacFadyen (SC)21000  0.00  000 
GS Steel (CO)21000  0.00  000 
B Nuttall (NO)10       0