Fielding in Waitaki-Tekau Trophy 1978/79 (Ordered by Catches)

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NM Parker (SC)23 3
NF Richards (SC)23 3
PDA Cook (NO)22 2
BJ Davidson (SC)22 2
WJ Pyle (CO)22 2
GW Rennie (Ash)22 2
RD Smith (Ash)2213
P Thomas (Ash)22 2
GAW Blakely (CO)21 1
PJ Burton (Ash)11 1
PG d'Auvergne (SC)21 1
MR Holmes (Ash)21 1
RH King (SC)21 1
BV Sampson (Ash)21 1
WD Smith (Ash)21 1
GJ Spicer (Ash)21 1
GT Taiaroa (NO)21 1