Fielding in Rothmans Under-23 Tournament 1964/65 (Ordered by Catches)

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ID Woon (Well)3718
MG Lester (Cant)26 6
BR Papps (Ot)36 6
IA Blackmore (CD)35 5
RA Dykes (Auck)3437
SJ Edward (Well)34 4
DH Payton (CD)34 4
RE Redmond (Well)34 4
RK Allen (Cant)3325
MP Baker (CD)33 3
AJ Beuth (ND)33 3
MG Burgess (Auck)33 3
JW Burtt (Cant)33 3
SW Kohlhase (Auck)33 3
JFM Morrison (CD)33 3
JF Bailey (ND)32 2
CL Bull (Cant)32 2
CW Buttar (Ot)32 2
JR Carson (Auck)32 2
GW Douglas (CD)32 2
A Hodgson (Auck)22 2
AR Hounsell (Cant)32 2
WJ Kitson (Ot)32 2
IR Mason (Well)32 2
RH Michelson (Well)22 2
ML Ryan (Cant)32 2
BD Smith (Well)32 2
CJ Stevens (Cant)32 2
T Vaikvee (CD)22 2
WR Barberel (Cant)31 1
DG Billcliff (Ot)31 1
JS Billcliff (Ot)31 1
KO Campbell (Ot)31 1
BJ Collett (Well)21 1
R Crawford (ND)3123
SJ Harris (ND)21 1
ID Hounsell (Cant)21 1
DR McInnes (Ot)21 1
DEC McKechnie (Ot)31 1
DS McLaggan (ND)21 1
PJ Malcon (ND)31 1
WJ Mitchell (ND)31 1
MJ Passell (ND)21 1
HAK Smalley (Auck)31 1
AE Smith (CD)31 1
B Smith (Auck)31 1
RN Stewart (Ot)21 1
C Stringer (Auck)31 1
PA Stubbings (Cant)31 1
BH Thom (CD)21 1
WA Thomson (Cant)31 1