Fielding in Plunket Shield 1912/13 (Ordered by Stumpings)

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C Boxshall (Cant)2325
W Robinson (Auck)2112
GG Austin (Ot)11 1
EO Blamires (Well)13 3
JW Condliffe (Ot)11 1
GB Cummings (Auck)23 3
WHJ Hayes (Cant)23 3
LG Hemus (Auck)21 1
HJ Huntley (Ot)12 2
HB Lusk (Cant)26 6
TA McFarlane (Ot)11 1
C Olliff (Auck)21 1
JL Paterson (Cant)21 1
WR Patrick (Cant)21 1
J Ramsden (Ot)11 1
EV Sale (Auck)22 2
DM Sandman (Cant)24 4
ANC Snedden (Auck)22 2
RC Somervell (Auck)11 1
LG Taylor (Auck)22 2