Fielding in Mary Machin Shield 1948/49 (Ordered by Catches)

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EM Sinclair (Ot)25 5
CM Garland (Ot)23 3
M Scott (Ot)23 3
R Finnerty (WC)12 2
R Kerr (Ot)12 2
MI Shackel (Cant)12 2
AA Tyler (Ot)12 2
VR Barter (Cant)11 1
DA Horrack (WC)11 1
M Instone (WC)11 1
A MacKay (Ot)11 1
S Mountford (WC)11 1
EA Paton (Ot)21 1
A Pentecost (WC)11 1
J Smith (Cant)11 1
N Thomas (WC)11 1
V Woods (Cant)11 1
M Connelly (Ot)2011