Batting and Fielding in Mary Machin Shield 1948/49 (Ordered by Player)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAve10050CtSt
VR Barter (Cant)12053  2.50 001 
M Bond (Cant)1204233  21.00 000 
EL Brownlee (Ot)12055  2.50 000 
H Burgess (Cant)12153*5.00 000 
M Connelly (Ot)2312213*11.00 0001
F Dickinson (Ot)2311510*7.50 000 
RAP Donaldson (WC)12011  0.50 000 
GP Dunn (WC)1202624  13.00 000 
R Finnerty (WC)12100*0.00 002 
CM Garland (Ot)2412113  7.00 003 
N Gasson (Cant)12022  1.00 000 
PV Haynes (Cant)1202523  12.50 000 
DA Horrack (WC)1208348  41.50 001 
M Instone (WC)12099  4.50 001 
HL Jackson (WC)1201812  9.00 000 
PO Keen (Cant)12144*4.00 000 
R Kerr (Ot)12032  1.50 002 
TJ King (Cant)12032  1.50 000 
I Leach (WC)1201212  6.00 000 
A MacKay (Ot)120118  5.50 001 
A McLeod (Ot)2301914  6.33 000 
S Mountford (WC)12054  2.50 001 
EA Paton (Ot)2406628  16.50 001 
A Pentecost (WC)12033  1.50 001 
DMM Robinson (Ot)2312010*10.00 000 
NAC Rodden (WC)1201712  8.50 000 
B Scoles (Ot)2414418  14.66 000 
M Scott (Ot)2403416  8.50 003 
MI Shackel (Cant)1202626  13.00 002 
EM Sinclair (Ot)2405127  12.75 005 
J Smith (Cant)12011  0.50 001 
BL Spiers (Cant)12066  3.00 000 
N Thomas (WC)12100*0.00 001 
AA Tyler (Ot)11000  0.00 002 
V Woods (Cant)12011  0.50 001