Fielding in Vehicle and General Knockout Cup 1970/71 (Ordered by Stumpings)

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JA Maclean (Qld)3516
RW Marsh (WA)2516
WD Albury (Qld)32 2
PLA Bedford (Vic)11 1
MG Burgess (NZ)11 1
PH Carlson (Qld)32 2
BL Cartledge (Tas)11 1
JP Causby (SAus)21 1
GS Chappell (SAus)23 3
IM Chappell (SAus)21 1
RO Collinge (NZ)11 1
BE Congdon (NZ)11 1
KE Dudgeon (Qld)21 1
JRF Duncan (Qld)21 1
R Edwards (WA)36 6
JW Gleeson (NSW)11 1
TW Graveney (Qld)32 2
RJ Inverarity (WA)31 1
JT Irvine (WA)21 1
AR Jones (Qld)11 1
RC Jordon (Vic)12 2
JN Langley (SAus)11 1
AL Mann (WA)12 2
RE Parker (Qld)22 2
RG Paulsen (Qld)11 1
IM Seib (Qld)22 2
AP Sheahan (Vic)11 1
JA Steele (NSW)11 1
JD Swanson (Vic)11 1
HB Taber (NSW)11 1
KJ Wadsworth (NZ)12 2