Fielding in Shell Trophy 1989/90 (Ordered by Catches)

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EB McSweeney (Well)1035641
BA Young (ND)1020525
SA Robinson (Ot)1019120
TE Blain (CD)1018321
LK Germon (Cant)1016723
JJ Crowe (Auck)1014 14
CM Kuggeleijn (ND)1013 13
MW Douglas (CD)1012 12
BZ Harris (Ot)812 12
BR Blair (Ot)1011 11
RT Latham (Cant)1011 11
GP Burnett (Well)910 10
SW Duff (CD)910 10
EJ Gray (Well)910 10
GK MacDonald (Cant)510 10
MR Pringle (Auck)810 10
KJ Burns (Ot)109 9
IDS Smith (Auck)69211
AC Parore (Auck)48210
DJ Boyle (Cant)107 7
MJ Greatbatch (CD)67 7
GE Bradburn (ND)106 6
CZ Harris (Cant)106 6
GR Larsen (Well)96 6
GW McKenzie (ND)106 6
MW Priest (Cant)96 6
TD Ritchie (Well)96 6
CJP Smith (CD)106 6
KA Wealleans (ND)106 6
PS Briasco (CD)105 5
PW Dobbs (Ot)95 5
PE McEwan (Cant)105 5
RG Twose (ND)85 5
JG Bracewell (Auck)54 4
TJ Franklin (Auck)74 4
AH Jones (Well)64 4
PG Kennedy (Cant)104 4
JK Lindsay (Ot)64 4
DN Patel (Auck)104 4
SJ Peterson (Auck)44 4
RG Petrie (Cant)94 4
C Pringle (Auck)64 4
RB Reid (Auck)74 4
KR Rutherford (Ot)74 4
RH Vance (Well)104 4
JTC Vaughan (Auck)34 4
DJ White (ND)104 4
DA Beard (ND)43 3
BP Bracewell (ND)103 3
SW Brown (Auck)83 3
MD Crowe (CD)63 3
SB Doull (ND)63 3
BA Edgar (Well)103 3
ID Fisher (CD)103 3
RM Ford (Cant)73 3
RL Glover (CD)43 3
DJ Hunter (Ot)53 3
SJ Roberts (Cant)103 3
RT Hart (CD)42 2
BR Hartland (Cant)92 2
RN Hoskin (Ot)32 2
KBK Ibadulla (Ot)32 2
GR Logan (CD)72 2
NA Mallender (Ot)102 2
JP Millmow (Well)72 2
PS Neutze (ND)82 2
MC Snedden (Auck)62 2
MP Speight (Well)22 2
PD Unwin (CD)52 2
JD Wells (Well)22 2
JG Wright (Auck)52 2
MH Austen (Ot)11 1
MD Bailey (ND)21 1
SL Boock (Ot)81 1
VR Brown (Auck)11 1
GN Cederwall (Well)31 1
EJ Chatfield (Well)21 1
RP de Groen (Auck)41 1
PW Hills (Ot)31 1
SJ Hotter (Well)31 1
AJ Hunt (Auck)21 1
VF Johnson (Ot)51 1
DJ Leonard (CD)81 1
DK Morrison (Auck)61 1
PW O'Rourke (Well)91 1
RA Pick (Well)21 1
GK Robertson (CD)61 1
DA Stirling (Well)31 1
ML Su'a (ND)31 1
SA Thomson (ND)71 1
W Watson (Auck)51 1
BR Williams (Well)21 1