Fielding in Shell Cup 1982/83 (Ordered by Catches)

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MJE Wright (ND)613 13
EB McSweeney (Well)510 10
BD Milburn (Ot)37310
BG Cooper (ND)65 5
MD Crowe (Auck)55 5
JF Reid (Auck)55 5
TE Blain (CD)5437
WK Lees (Ot)24 4
RI Leggat (Cant)54 4
IA Rutherford (Ot)44 4
IDS Smith (CD)54 4
B Abernethy (Ot)53 3
GJ Dawson (Ot)53 3
AW Hart (Cant)2314
AJ Hunt (Auck)43 3
SJ Maguiness (Well)53 3
JM Parker (ND)63 3
ADG Roberts (ND)63 3
RJ Webb (Ot)43 3
DC Aberhart (CD)42 2
BL Cairns (ND)22 2
BW Cederwall (Well)52 2
DA Dempsey (Cant)42 2
CW Dickeson (ND)62 2
AJ Farrant (Cant)12 2
WP Fowler (Auck)52 2
CM Presland (ND)42 2
PJ Rattray (Cant)42 2
CH Thiele (Cant)52 2
BR Blair (Ot)51 1
WL Blair (Ot)51 1
VR Brown (Cant)41 1
RM Carter (Cant)51 1
GN Cederwall (Well)31 1
JV Coney (Well)21 1
LM Crocker (ND)51 1
JJ Crowe (Auck)21 1
CRW Dickel (Ot)31 1
TJ Franklin (Auck)51 1
SR Gillespie (ND)31 1
EJ Gray (Well)41 1
MJ Greatbatch (Auck)11 1
DR Hadlee (Cant)11 1
ATR Hellaby (Auck)51 1
PJ Kelly (Auck)5112
RT Latham (Cant)51 1
PE McEwan (Cant)21 1
JFM Morrison (Well)21 1
AJ Nuttall (Cant)31 1
RW Ormiston (Well)51 1
DR O'Sullivan (CD)31 1
ACS Pigott (Well)31 1
TD Ritchie (Well)21 1
PD Rutledge (Cant)21 1
DA Stirling (CD)51 1
LW Stott (Auck)61 1
GB Troup (Auck)21 1
RH Vance (Well)41 1
PN Webb (Auck)2011