Batting and Fielding in Rigden Shield 1959/60 (Ordered by Runs)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAve10050CtSt
BN Graham (PB)1109999  99.00 011 
TM Cleave (BP)1108181  81.00 011 
KD Dawkins (BP)1107373  73.00 010 
GJ Sutherland (PB)1105050  50.00 011 
D Gilbert (PB)1104343  43.00 001 
LF Jones (PB)1104141  41.00 000 
MT Henderson (BP)1113434* 000 
GH Robinson (PB)1102424  24.00 000 
WB Williams (BP)1101919  19.00 000 
JH Crocker (BP)1111111* 000 
PO Blake (BP)1101111  11.00 000 
RJ Vartan (BP)1101010  10.00 000 
NG Butler (BP)11088  8.00 000 
RB Kennedy (PB)11122* 000 
SW Veitch (PB)11022  2.00 001 
D Robinson (BP)11011  1.00 000 
KL Broad (PB)11000  0.00 000 
B Coker (PB)11100* 000 
JC Williams (PB)10      0 
J Kinder (BP)10      01
PH Barton (PB)10      0 
R Manahi (BP)10      0