Batting and Fielding in Rigden Shield 1958/59 (Ordered by Runs)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAve10050CtSt
SW Veitch (PB)111161161* 100 
WB Williams (BP)1108282  82.00 010 
RJ Vartan (BP)1217054*70.00 010 
RF Conole (PB)1106868  68.00 010 
TM Cleave (BP)1203822  19.00 000 
SW Clare (PB)1103636  36.00 000 
JA Reid (BP)1103232  32.00 000 
BN Graham (PB)1102929  29.00 001 
KD Dawkins (BP)1101616  16.00 000 
CN Fox (BP)1101616  16.00 001 
PO Blake (BP)121138*13.00 000 
J Kinder (BP)1101212  12.00 001 
LE Woodworth (BP)11044  4.00 000 
MM Sandlant (BP)11000  0.00 000 
MDMS Batchelor (BP)11100* 000 
D Mills (PB)10      0 
BM Owen (PB)10      0 
JC Williams (PB)10      0 
AG McHugh (PB)10      1 
GJ Sutherland (PB)10      2 
JA Turnbull (PB)10      2 
MRH Barbour (PB)10      1