Bowling in Richards Trophy 1956/57 (Ordered by Player)

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WS Ashworth (Ash)256177085-198.75 10
JC Brown (NO)12628744-8321.75 00
RC Carter (SC)207975106-517.50 11
MH Collings (NO)10215811-4658.00 00
TA Dennis (Ash)15019163-2215.16 00
EM Flaherty (Ash)120180    
B Fowler (SC)240110    
PJ Grenfell (SC)601160    
RG Hortin (Ash)2281210753-4921.40 00
MW Jack (SC)19895342-2513.25 00
AM Kelman (NO)6020    
GF McCormick (Ash)12055832-5319.33 00
RFW McKinney (SC)7871021-55.00 00
DG Olds (Ash)16645243-3113.00 00
RK Pope (NO)6015411-5454.00 00
CR Price (Ash)192147143-4217.75 00
CJT Robertson (Ash)12060    
MF Sandri (NO)2281010743-2326.75 00
LG Taylor (SC)1089290    
EG Wainscott (Ash)240150    
WH Wardle (NO)12658021-3340.00 00
JS White (NO)120170    
MBA Wills (Ash)121150