Batting and Fielding in Richards Trophy 1956/57 (Ordered by Player)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAve10050CtSt
WS Ashworth (Ash)24011377  28.25 011 
GT Barrow (Ash)12077  3.50 000 
JC Brown (NO)11000  0.00 001 
JB Carleton (NO)1103030  30.00 000 
RC Carter (SC)12100*0.00 000 
MH Collings (NO)1111111* 001 
EA Collins (SC)1201210  6.00 000 
TA Dennis (Ash)24110451  34.66 011 
EM Flaherty (Ash)23010979  36.33 010 
B Fowler (SC)12033  1.50 000 
IT Geddes (NO)1216233  62.00 000 
SV Goulding (SC)1204121  20.50 000 
PJ Grenfell (SC)1204636  23.00 000 
IJ Griffiths (Ash)2409958  24.75 0124
CJ Harper (Ash)12077  3.50 001 
JK Hooper (Ash)1212111*21.00 000 
RG Hortin (Ash)23111  0.50 000 
MW Jack (SC)12043  2.00 000 
G Johnston (NO)1212424*24.00 000 
AM Kelman (NO)1101515  15.00 002 
AD Long (NO)1103232  32.00 000 
GF McCormick (Ash)11100* 000 
WM McDonald (SC)1202422  12.00 001 
RFW McKinney (SC)1215339*53.00 000 
DG Olds (Ash)12000  0.00 001 
RK Pope (NO)11077  7.00 001 
CR Price (Ash)240169  4.00 001 
CJT Robertson (Ash)2417247  24.00 001 
MF Sandri (NO)1102424  24.00 000 
AW Stead (Ash)1212413*24.00 001 
LG Taylor (SC)12011  0.50 001 
RJ Underdown (SC)1202119  10.50 000 
EG Wainscott (Ash)12000  0.00 000 
JT Ward (SC)1202518  12.50 0014
WH Wardle (NO)11044  4.00 000 
JS White (NO)1206464  32.00 011 
MBA Wills (Ash)1202516  12.50 000