Bowling in Richards Trophy 1955/56 (Ordered by Player)

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WS Ashworth (Ash)240145963-199.83 00
RC Carter (SC)11419711-9797.00 00
HJ Cullen (Ash)1801911-1919.00 00
NE Evans (Ash)168136753-3113.40 00
EM Flaherty (Ash)601211-1212.00 00
R Garvin (SC)13819411-8594.00 00
SW Goodwin (Ash)7232811-2828.00 00
G Marshall (SC)963530    
LR Moore (Ash)21689622-8348.00 00
RP Phillips (SC)13846611-6666.00 00
CR Price (Ash)15985743-1514.25 00
NJ Riley (SC)6050    
AW Stead (Ash)12080    
C Thomas (SC)662480