Bowling in Richards Trophy 1952/53 (Ordered by Average)

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R Bowden (SC)00211-22.00 00
JS Dick (NO)00911-99.00 00
RP Phillips (SC)009094-3010.00 00
SW Goodwin (Ash)00192185-3710.66 21
HN Dellow (SC)108210796-5011.88 10
R Garvin (SC)006854-2113.60 00
CGL Smith (Ash)003021-1415.00 00
R Gourlay (NO)004832-2016.00 00
GK Austin (NO)0015184-3418.87 00
AM Kelman (NO)0013063-4321.66 00
NE Evans (Ash)0011153-3122.20 00
MF Sandri (NO)0017774-5125.28 00
S Williams (SC)0012442-3031.00 00
CAF Stare (Ash)0016753-5133.40 00
RW Biggar (SC)0014842-2437.00 00
JDM Herron (NO)0011432-6438.00 00
HJ Jordan (Ash)008121-1840.50 00
HJ Cullen (Ash)004311-4343.00 00
WG Smith (NO)005711-2057.00 00
MW Jack (SC)007411-2474.00 00
OJ Lynch (Ash)00220