Batting and Fielding in RW Biggar Memorial Trophy 1970/71 (Ordered by StrikeRate)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAveSRate10050CtSt
IG Lane (Ash)1106565  65.00  011 
JT Ward (SC)1104646  46.00  003 
DJ Isherwood (Ash)1104141  41.00  000 
DW Bradley (SC)1103434  34.00  000 
T Underdown (SC)1102525  25.00  000 
DJ Bishop (SC)1112424*  000 
BE Tutty (Ash)1102424  24.00  000 
RG Hortin (SC)1102323  23.00  000 
I Taylor (SC)1101717  17.00  001 
IDP Hamilton (Ash)1101515  15.00  000 
CG Thomas (Ash)11077  7.00  000 
BD White (Ash)11166*  000 
BV Sampson (Ash)11066  6.00  001 
WJ Taylor (SC)11155*  001 
RM O'Reilly (Ash)11055  5.00  001 
PE Wallace (Ash)11044  4.00  000 
I Hoskin (Ash)11044  4.00  000 
RJ Underdown (SC)11011  1.00  0001
W Ritchie (SC)11000  0.00  000 
BC Sampson (Ash)11000  0.00  000 
CJ Aitken (SC)11000  0.00  000 
JU Varcoe (SC)10       2