Fielding in National Primary School Shield 2018/19 (Ordered by Stumpings)

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PF Blair (Hea)51 1
LC Campbell (Hea)53 3
OG Catherwood (Raroa)52 2
DP Girish (Raroa)51 1
M Green (Morr)52 2
LJ Howarth (Sac)52 2
OM Ingham (Raroa)51 1
KP Irwin (Rem)52 2
S Kane (Morr)51 1
M Lewis (Rem)51 1
AL Mischewski (Morr)52 2
JJ Morris (Morr)51 1
EYL Nuttall (Hea)51 1
BR O'Connor (Balm)51 1
MO Porteous (Raroa)51 1
AA Rouse (Hea)51 1
EK Shelver (Sac)54 4
RK Sutherland (Rem)51 1
MK Williams (Raroa)51 1
HE Wilson (Balm)52 2