Bowling in Mary Machin Shield 1948/49 (Ordered by Player)

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M Bond (Cant)004544-2711.25 00
F Dickinson (Ot)1741296145-126.85 10
RAP Donaldson (WC)9034343-2610.75 00
CM Garland (Ot)13876563-1310.83 00
PV Haynes (Cant)005474-367.71 00
M Instone (WC)16846374-379.00 00
A MacKay (Ot)120311-33.00 00
A McLeod (Ot)544130    
EA Paton (Ot)162123521-1617.50 00
DMM Robinson (Ot)1801533-95.00 00
NAC Rodden (WC)541190    
M Scott (Ot)2732869124-105.75 00
MI Shackel (Cant)00411-04.00 00
BL Spiers (Cant)001322-136.50 00
N Thomas (WC)20087274-4810.28 00