Fielding in Hawke Cup 1962/63 (Ordered by Stumpings)

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IE Wyatt (Nel)2628
IA Colquhoun (Man)1112
RI Harford (BP)1213
EC Petrie (Waik)1112
DT Abraham (Ran)13 3
MG Adams (KC)11 1
JR Bailey (KC)13 3
KAW Baker (Nel)45 5
GA Bartlett (Mar)11 1
MD Bell (Wan)11 1
DT Biss (Wair)11 1
IA Blackmore (Mar)12 2
CAR Blackwell (Ran)13 3
PO Blake (BP)12 2
RJM Blakely (Ash)11 1
PJ Bloomfield (Nel)31 1
WP Bradburn (Waik)12 2
FW Bremner (Mar)11 1
RE Brown (Wan)11 1
AB Carey (Nel)42 2
ME Chapple (Man)11 1
RO Collinge (Wair)13 3
BE Congdon (Nel)42 2
RN Couper (Ran)12 2
PJC Coutts (HB)11 1
DJS Crisp (Mar)11 1
KD Dawkins (BP)11 1
AE Dick (Hutt)15 5
JE Doogue (KC)11 1
R Dunning (Nor)11 1
JW Guy (Mar)11 1
BL Hampton (Nel)41 1
IR Hampton (Nel)43 3
NS Harford (Man)15 5
JA Harper (KC)11 1
GJ Harris (Ran)11 1
CG Henderson (PB)14 4
JHP Houghton (Wair)13 3
WR Hughes (Waik)11 1
RA Kelly (Man)12 2
BE Kennedy (Mar)11 1
KD Kennedy (PB)11 1
TJ Kilpin (TV)11 1
PS Knight (HB)11 1
MHW Lance (Wan)11 1
IB Leggat (Nel)46 6
RP Lindsay (Ash)11 1
GE Lowans (Nel)41 1
GT McConnell (Hutt)12 2
JH McFarlane (PB)11 1
AJ McGuire (Mar)11 1
AG McHugh (PB)11 1
AB Marshall (Ran)11 1
JG Martin (HB)11 1
BD Morrison (Hutt)12 2
WT Murdock (Man)12 2
JE Ogilvie (Hutt)12 2
BH Pairaudeau (Waik)11 1
RE Payne (HB)11 1
K Percy (Wair)11 1
GE Pett (TV)11 1
EG Potts (Nel)11 1
BL Prince (Wan)11 1
N Puna (Waik)11 1
LB Reade (Nel)44 4
RE Redmond (Hutt)11 1
WA Reynolds (Ran)11 1
CJT Robertson (Ash)11 1
RM Schofield (HB)12 2
RC Sheridan (Mar)12 2
PLS Sherriff (Ran)11 1
RG Small (Wair)11 1
DV Spence (Nel)43 3
BV Spooner (HB)11 1
PD Stone (Waik)12 2
AR Taylor (Hutt)12 2
BE Tutty (Ash)11 1
SW Veitch (PB)11 1
JW Vernon (Wan)12 2
RW Wake (Wan)11 1
GC Watton (TV)11 1
RJ Wealleans (Waik)11 1
TL White (Ran)11 1
NR Wilson (Nor)11 1
RD Wilson (Nel)12 2
BW Yuile (Man)11 1