Bowling in Hallyburton Johnstone Shield 1962/63 (Ordered by Wickets)

Runs conceded are not known for all matches
For each bowler, the average is computed taking into account only the runs and wickets in matches where his runs conceded are known
Click on column heading to see the averages sorted by that column

WJ Coe (Well)52827209165-4313.06 10
NM Haynes (Well)3749160155-3110.66 10
JA Burley (Auck)66652134134-3012.18 00
DMM Robinson (Ot)54131130126-3510.83 10
AL Clough (Ot)4682514993-2416.55 00
JM Stevens (Auck)5263216794-5418.55 00
DL Hooper (Auck)291916293-2523.14 00
PF McKelvey (Ot)258235873-178.28 00
EA Paton (Ot)239177174-1410.14 00
P Blackler (Cant)199109874-1014.00 00
EJ Maker (Well)3912314073-5320.00 00
EM Sinclair (Ot)246226463-1910.66 00
OE Williams (Cant)18378053-4216.00 00
W Laycock (Auck)3482112453-4424.80 00
PN Moore (Cant)3602710143-4425.25 00
JB Olson (Cant)9033831-512.66 00
JM Goddard (Cant)168135633-3418.66 00
RU McKenzie (Auck)19286832-2922.66 00
MH Peters (Well)264167832-026.00 00
BM Pelham (Ot)13293821-119.00 00
AJ Giles (Cant)22688722-5443.50 00
LG Arons (Well)3181610521-1052.50 00
P O'Neill (Well)4211311-1313.00 00
CE Marett (Auck)5431711-1717.00 00
DM Roberts (Ot)6041711-1117.00 00
BA Magee (Well)13573711-2037.00 00
L McKinnon (Cant)7213911-3939.00 00
S James (Auck)12683911-3939.00 00
J Dickinson (Cant)11435411-3954.00 00
A McKenna (Cant)12626811-1768.00 00
GN Oram (Auck)60111-?? 00
YEC Weir (Ot)12080    
JM Watson (Cant)421130    
NM Bruce (Ot)423170    
BL Bevege (Auck)723260