Bowling in Fergus Hickey Rosebowl 2024/25 (Ordered by Average)

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SK Patel (Ham)121111-11.00 00
RGT Metcalfe (WV)7833733-3712.33 00
HSW Burns (BP)2165138103-3513.80 00
MO Madeley (BP)28810153114-4013.90 00
JJ Naylor (CM)3061012995-2914.33 10
SD West (Nor)8433022-3015.00 00
G Basu (Ham)11347753-6015.40 00
JW Clare (WV)3611711-1717.00 00
RZG Somani (CM)44725188113-2717.09 00
CB Rowell (Ham)2391210463-2817.33 00
AJ Tustin (BP)7813521-517.50 00
OD Curtis (BP)3061712672-1318.00 00
NW Farrell (Ham)245814684-6018.25 00
TJ Mitchell (Ham)3121016593-4018.33 00
R Patel (CM)156411163-2518.50 00
KF Nelson (Nor)258814984-6518.62 00
RPO Drysdale (BP)3651317894-4719.77 00
TA Litchfield (Nor)16298042-4020.00 00
A Arora (BP)14248443-3321.00 00
FH Morey (WV)11426332-3721.00 00
FF Lellman (BP)2402111-2121.00 00
LPR Hayman (WV)284619696-5421.77 10
RK Gulati (CM)62530244114-3522.18 00
NA Condon (Nor)5715022-1925.00 00
LG Jones (Nor)2461310243-3825.50 00
LE Beaven (Nor)210013355-13326.60 10
JM Earle (BP)312517863-3129.66 00
EN Price (WV)18099533-6131.66 00
JJ Gordon (WV)252813242-2733.00 00
SR Devireddy (Ham)10856622-1933.00 00
LJ Marconi (CM)10216722-2933.50 00
RT Benefield (WV)228515143-3637.75 00
CJ Boswell-Smith (Nor)17577821-3939.00 00
S Kharwin (Ham)216413532-3545.00 00
CI McKegg (WV)9044711-3347.00 00
HJ Crowe (WV)5414811-4848.00 00
NJ Parkes (Nor)3031415132-6250.33 00
S Singh (Ham)2881115831-3452.66 00
CM Jerram (CM)210416031-353.33 00
JK Morey (WV)212516232-5854.00 00
R Bhagat (Ham)186411321-2856.50 00
OJ White (BP)16896311-1263.00 00
MW Marconi (CM)12026711-2967.00 00
ZN Gibson (WV)12647211-5472.00 00
FA Farrell (CM)168315321-1176.50 00
CH Harper (WV)274617422-3787.00 00
JM Parker (Ham)12060    
B Vyver (BP)30190    
CR Child (WV)483110    
JA Raval (CM)120120    
DG Kingham (CM)240240    
BD Bell (WV)420270    
JH Brown (Ham)965410    
RA McCullum (WV)481510    
KRS Price (WV)661520    
AS Goodare (CM)1083890