Fielding in Data General Series 1986/87 (Ordered by Stumpings)

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GC Dyer (NSW)2134
PJW Allott (Well)11 1
MJ Bennett (NSW)12 2
JG Bracewell (Auck)22 2
EJ Chatfield (Well)21 1
JJ Crowe (Auck)21 1
SR Gillespie (Auck)21 1
PJ Kelly (Auck)21 1
EB McSweeney (Well)21 1
SJ Maguiness (Well)21 1
MD O'Neill (NSW)21 1
MR Pringle (Auck)21 1
TD Ritchie (Well)21 1
DM Wellham (NSW)21 1
MR Whitney (NSW)21 1