Bowling in Cricket Wellington Hazlett Trophy 2011/12 (Ordered by Average)

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SP Graham (Kar)12383765-226.16 10
ML Jones-Middleton (Kar)5922544-256.25 00
S Donaldson (Kar)4812422-2412.00 00
MWJ Atkin (Kar)1981111375-3416.14 10
FJ Quarterman (Kar)001911-1919.00 00
C O'Connor (Tai)8435122-5125.50 00
SA Gillespie (Tai)6005522-5527.50 00
PF Smith (Tai)7218211-8282.00 00
M TeMoananui (Tai)120170    
S Burgess (Tai)360380    
S Kent (Kar)1144700    
M Pepper (Tai)1020700