Batting and Fielding in CricInfo Women's World Cup 2000/01 (Ordered by Player)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAveSRate10050CtSt
ADH Abeysinghe (SL)77018657  26.57 40.00020 
CA Bambury (Aus)7406338  15.75 46.32006 
CM Beggs (Ire)77116266*27.00 40.60011 
A Brindle (Eng)5518244*20.50 43.38001 
J Broadbent (Aus)5304125  13.66 31.53001 
LC Broadfoot (Aus)20       0 
AA Burger (SAf)6407544  18.75 57.25002 
CA Campbell (NZ)92111*1.00 50.00003 
A Chopra (Ind)88126770  38.14 53.72032 
BJ Clark (Aus)99335191  58.50 71.63025 
SV Collyer (Eng)6414819  16.00 48.97001 
CJ Connor (Eng)7509825  19.60 55.68000 
BA Daniels (Eng)77015579  22.14 59.61015 
NL David (Ind)72111*1.00 12.50002 
HA Davies (SAf)5403724  9.25 32.74002 
SW Dawson (Ire)3222313* 50.000003
ML de Boer (Neth)6605726  9.50 57.00002 
MEC de Fouw (Neth)773289*7.00 14.50002 
K Dhokarikar (Ind)11000  0.00 0.00000 
EC Drumm (NZ)772339108*67.80 84.11120 
CM Edwards (Eng)441157139*52.33 71.68101 
EMTP Ekanayake (SL)774269*8.66 35.610041
CE Eksteen (SAf)76111747*23.40 52.70001 
AJ Fahey (Aus)71133* 75.00001 
WHD Fernando (SL)7707616  10.85 25.24001 
CL Fitzpatrick (Aus)9212418*24.00 82.75002 
PB Flannery (NZ)44210149*50.50 66.88000 
ZJ Goss (Aus)7205049  25.00 55.55001 
ME Grealey (Ire)77010432  14.85 51.23003 
S Harikrishna (Ind)86211534  28.75 55.28002 
LJ Harper (Eng)20       1 
J Hayes (Aus)40       0 
DA Hockley (NZ)98115053  21.42 45.73012 
AL Hodgkinson (SAf)5504322  8.60 32.82000 
LM Hoitink (Neth)33097  3.00 20.45000 
D Holden (Eng)43085  2.66 33.33001 
KKJ Indika (SL)550176  3.40 19.54001 
AAD Indralatha (SL)5513913  9.75 50.64001 
A Jain (Ind)88012736  15.87 38.830034
AD Janakanthymala (SL)660258  4.16 58.13000 
IW Jharap (Neth)42211* 12.50000 
IMHC Joyce (Ire)7614726  9.40 70.14002 
HM Kala (Ind)87112756  21.16 70.16011 
C Kaul (Ind)88326080  52.00 67.88021 
KM Keenan (NZ)831117  5.50 52.38002 
LM Keightley (Aus)88337591*75.00 66.13043 
A Kirkire (Ind)11000  0.00 0.00000 
MA Köster (Neth)5506536  13.00 30.37000 
S Kottman (Neth)64231*1.50 8.82000 
A Kuylaars (SAf)53133*1.50 18.75000 
KDC Lakmali (SL)4402821  7.00 37.33000 
KM Leng (Eng)6609346  15.50 56.70002 
LP Lewis (SAf)20       0 
AM Linehan (Ire)77015154  21.57 50.160111
KH Liyanarachchy (SL)550105  2.00 13.51000 
BM McDonald (Ire)7632822*9.33 53.84001 
ET McDonald (NZ)20       0 
TA McGregor (Aus)7214021*40.00 66.66002 
OJ Magno (Aus)8529838  32.66 70.50003 
DM Marathe (Ind)852227*7.33 21.56005 
R Margrate (Ind)63011  0.33 11.11000 
CL Mason (Aus)8101111  11.00 84.61003 
CJ Metcalfe (Ire)22021  1.00 20.00000 
RC Milburn (Neth)77014871  21.14 35.070115
LD Molins (Ire)11000  0.00 0.00000 
N Ndzundzu (SAf)31000  0.00 0.00001 
CM Nicholson (NZ)6213019*30.00 68.18004 
CM O'Leary (Ire)33000  0.00 0.00000 
L Olivier (SAf)771228101*38.00 48.00100 
C O'Neill (Ire)7708628  12.28 30.71001 
CFF Oudolf (Neth)55141*1.00 8.33001 
N Payne (NZ)4423619*18.00 75.00000 
LC Pearson (Eng)74200*0.00 0.00001 
KR Perera (SL)5513713*9.25 27.40001 
JC Price (Aus)9314823*24.00 80.000082
K Price (SAf)8322019*20.00 42.55000 
RJ Pullar (NZ)841209*6.66 100.00003 
MD Raj (Ind)33115269*76.00 73.07020 
HW Rambaldo (Neth)3304238  14.00 48.27001 
KA Ramel (NZ)94010041  25.00 64.93003 
P Rau (Ind)85111967*29.75 46.66010 
DJ Reid (SAf)6531914*9.50 65.51001 
MA Reynard (Eng)6303520  11.66 43.75001 
EI Reynolds (Neth)64100*0.00 0.00001 
RJ Rolls (NZ)87019465  27.71 92.820194
KL Rolton (Aus)974393154*131.00 106.21222 
KJ Roy (Ind)10       0 
CA Salomons (Neth)7709026  12.85 32.14001 
CR Seneviratne (SL)7707427  10.57 29.24002 
CD Sharp (Ire)2201919  9.50 25.33000 
R Shastri (Ind)8628329*20.75 77.57006 
NJ Shaw (Eng)33111*0.50 5.26002 
CMA Shillington (Ire)4404618  11.50 61.33000 
LDVV Silva (SL)3303821  12.66 42.22001 
SARC Silva (SL)7707553  10.71 43.60010 
S Singh (Ind)52066  3.00 33.33000 
S Sivanantham (SL)443118*11.00 42.30001 
J Smit (Eng)7519263*23.00 45.770163
AM Smith (NZ)88230891*51.33 56.51031 
NH Squire (Ire)6617419  14.80 41.11000 
H Strydom (SAf)5509246  18.40 47.91002 
GCP Sugathadasa (SL)5503121  6.20 24.21000 
CE Taylor (Eng)7412311  7.66 30.26001 
SC Taylor (Eng)662267137*66.75 65.44112 
PJ te Beest (Neth)77013942  19.85 51.67002 
M Terblanche (SAf)88320053*40.00 47.280153
HM Tiffen (NZ)86218758  46.75 79.91023 
EA Travers (NZ)20       0 
T van der Gun (Neth)7716443  10.66 35.75003 
Y van der Merwe (SAf)7426242*31.00 72.09001 
SSD van Zyl (SAf)61099  9.00 45.00000 
CMS Verheul (Neth)4415046*16.66 73.52001 
SS Viljoen (SAf)87112854*21.33 78.52011 
HM Watson (NZ)7312715*13.50 61.36005 
KN Young (Ire)7706530  9.28 25.69000 
SA Young (Ire)7713116  5.16 41.33000