Batting and Fielding in Chapple Cup 2014/15 (Ordered by Runs)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAveSRate10050CtSt
RT Edwards (Nel)1108181  81.00 97.59011 
SHA Rance (Wair)1104242  42.00 155.55000 
JP Holmes (Wair)1102828  28.00 58.33000 
GR Hay (Nel)1102727  27.00 55.10000 
CC Ball (Wair)1102323  23.00 79.31002 
SD Skeaping (Nel)1112222* 52.38001 
MJ Macquet (Nel)1101616  16.00 228.57001 
PA Lyttle (Wair)1101515  15.00 115.38003 
GJ Reisima (Wair)1101414  14.00 60.86000 
JEJ Harden (Nel)1101414  14.00 35.89004 
JA Clarkson (Nel)1101111  11.00 91.66001 
SA Jarvis (Wair)1101111  11.00 25.00000 
RJ Speers (Wair)11099  9.00 50.00000 
TD Burling (Wair)11044  4.00 23.52000 
DP Haxton (Wair)11122* 14.28000 
BOJ Price (Wair)11011  1.00 12.50000 
DK Ingham (Wair)11011  1.00 25.00000 
SJB McGowan (Nel)11011  1.00 20.00000 
DL Cooper (Nel)11011  1.00 25.00000 
JM O'Connor (Nel)11100* 0.00000 
T Cross (Nel)11000  0.00 0.00000 
STW Baxendine (Nel)10       0 
D Grimes (Nel)10       0 
SJ Hook-Sporry (Wair)10       1