Fielding in Chapple Cup 1989/90 (Ordered by Catches)

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SJ Elliott (Wair)3213
SL Pease (HB)12 2
RBW Blathwayt (Wair)21 1
BG Campbell (Wair)31 1
WA Ewington (Wair)31 1
RI Fawcett (Hutt)11 1
CO Findlay (HB)11 1
ID Fisher (HB)11 1
LR Gough (Wair)31 1
H Gully (Nel)21 1
DJ Guthardt (Nel)21 1
RJ Harden (Nel)21 1
RE Hayward (Nel)21 1
P Hosking (Hutt)11 1
CD Ingham (Nel)21 1
RAC Jerman (Wair)31 1
GP McRae (Mar)11 1
RAK Moran (Mar)11 1
MH Nevin (Hutt)11 1
JD Ogilvie (Nel)11 1
DK Poulgrain (HB)11 1
PJ Rattray (Hutt)11 1
MJ Sears (Hutt)11 1
PD Unwin (HB)11 1
PR Yates (Nel)21 1