Bowling in Canterbury Minor Associations Cup 1971/72 (Ordered by Wickets)

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BC Sampson (Ash)34910199154-3913.26 00
CG Thomas (Ash)45210176136-5313.53 10
DJ Isherwood (Ash)320812496-5613.77 10
RC Merrin (NC)14484174-235.85 00
WA Kennedy (WC)21011643-9729.00 00
BD White (Ash)2621111643-3529.00 00
CJ Heslop (NC)11243632-1612.00 00
RW Drennan (Ash)2403933-2013.00 00
RJ Sowden (NC)10444032-1613.33 00
WH Newton (NC)15247032-4023.33 00
BV Sampson (Ash)283810232-3834.00 00
JJ McIntosh (NC)8004322-2321.50 00
AJ Ireland (Bul)11229122-9145.50 00
EB Tones (WC)2409921-1849.50 00
IDP Hamilton (Ash)00211-22.00 00
RN Parker (Bul)10428111-8181.00 00
RF Hinton (Ash)128111811-40118.00 00
PE Wallace (Ash)8010    
IG Lane (Ash)8040    
A Scarlett (Bul)80130    
TDP Pasfield (WC)00170    
WJ Bell (Ash)160190    
AF Rapley (NC)481230    
B Phillips (Bul)721360    
DJ Topp (WC)00470    
CR Aldridge (Bul)480630    
P Thomas (WC)00650    
RM Atkin (Bul)560650    
TD Renwick (WC)00790