Fielding in Canterbury Minor Associations Cup 1968/69 (Ordered by Dismissals)

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KM Butler (Ash)13 3
MW Jacobs (WC)13 3
KR Tutty (Ash)13 3
KN Beach (Ash)22 2
BA Callaghan (Ash)12 2
LJ Trowbridge (WC)12 2
BE Tutty (Ash)12 2
PG d'Auvergne (SC)11 1
IDP Hamilton (Ash)11 1
RW Hayes (Ash)11 1
RG Hoskin (Ash)11 1
DJ Isherwood (Ash)11 1
RG Jenkins (Ash)11 1
BC Sampson (Ash)11 1
BV Sampson (Ash)11 1
WJ Taylor (SC)11 1
CG Tew (Ash)11 1
GM Wall (Ash)11 1
BD White (Ash)11 1
DA Wood (WC)11 1