Bowling in Canterbury Minor Associations Cup 1968/69 (Ordered by Player)

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KN Beach (Ash)160140    
D Bruce (Ash)4812532-198.33 00
KM Butler (Ash)16065655-3811.20 10
BA Callaghan (Ash)6432522-2512.50 00
PG d'Auvergne (SC)16046133-6120.33 00
BJ Davidson (SC)560310    
RH Donaldson (WC)13616155-6112.20 10
CD Galwey (SC)9616411-6464.00 00
MJ Glen (WC)8013422-3417.00 00
NA Goodwin (Ash)16050    
RG Hortin (Ash)8030    
DJ Isherwood (Ash)8040    
MW Jacobs (WC)160100    
RG Jenkins (Ash)16110    
DL Johnstone (WC)11235822-5829.00 00
WA Kennedy (WC)960470    
IG Lane (Ash)80711-77.00 00
LW Newbegin (Ash)12063711-2637.00 00
W Ritchie (SC)1280560    
BC Sampson (Ash)169152106-345.20 11
BV Sampson (Ash)321130    
WJ Taylor (SC)961420    
CG Tew (Ash)10412611-2526.00 00
KR Tutty (Ash)3214843-3612.00 00
BD White (Ash)11753664-166.00 00
J Williams (WC)321160