Fielding in Brian Dunning Cup 2014/15 (Ordered by Stumpings)

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OG Ivins (Ham)5448
TJ Clarke (BP)4336
RM Christopherson (Nor)5426
BJ Horne (CM)3415
TL Seifert (WV)2314
CW Andrews (Nor)51 1
JD Baker (Ham)41 1
JD Bates (PB)31 1
TA Benn (WV)33 3
KG Bettley (Ham)42 2
PD Bocock (Ham)43 3
JJ Boult (BP)32 2
HMA Cameron (WV)51 1
HS Cargo (Ham)42 2
PF Carsons (Ham)42 2
JF Carter (BP)31 1
TM Clarke (CM)32 2
HR Cooper (Nor)56 6
SD Cooper (WV)52 2
A Desai (WV)52 2
SP Devoy (Ham)42 2
MR Dodunski (Ham)51 1
RPO Drysdale (BP)52 2
JB Dwight (BP)11 1
DW Gibbs (PB)32 2
BR Hampton (BP)41 1
TW Hayes (PB)41 1
JD Hickey (CM)43 3
BL Hyde (Nor)54 4
TM Lortan (Nor)52 2
MD McCann (BP)51 1
JK McDonald (PB)33 3
MH O'Flaherty (Nor)52 2
LV Parsons (WV)51 1
MJ Perry (CM)12 2
B Popli (BP)42 2
L Popli (WV)53 3
BA Rhodes (CM)52 2
MQ Schofield (CM)52 2
DA Thompson (PB)31 1
JR Trembath (BP)41 1
TS Urry (CM)52 2
KA Vincent (WV)53 3
AR Vodnala (CM)51 1
LC Williamson (CM)53 3
BS Wilson (Nor)11 1
L Yugaraja (Ham)52 2