Fielding in Brabin Tournament 1958/59 (Ordered by Dismissals)

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JA Jessup (Auck)3639
D Hill (Cant)3628
MA Beban (Cant)36 6
LA Green (Auck)36 6
IJ Therkleson (Well)3235
MG Wallace (Auck)25 5
BF Hastings (Well)34 4
GW McLellan (Well)34 4
RC Moreton (Ot)34 4
BAG Murray (Well)34 4
DSM Crombie (Well)33 3
JE England (Cant)1213
JS Parson (Cant)33 3
RH Prouting (Cant)33 3
PA Sharp (Ot)33 3
IR Hartland (Cant)32 2
BR Hope (Cant)22 2
JG Kemp (Auck)32 2
RL Matheson (Ot)32 2
LJ Pierce (Ot)32 2
DJ Stodart (Well)32 2
K Thomson (Cant)32 2
M Williment (Well)22 2
LD Andersen (Auck)31 1
RG Anderson (Ot)21 1
P Andrews (Cant)31 1
JG Collinge (Auck)31 1
APG Ellis (Well)21 1
PR Gibson (Well)21 1
R Hendry (Ot)31 1
AB McCallum (Well)21 1
PB McGregor (Auck)31 1
CR Nicholson (Ot)31 1
BR Papps (Ot)31 1
WRG Sundin (Auck)31 1
LR Thompson (Ot)31 1
GB Watson (Cant)31 1
DE Woods (Cant)31 1
PJB Young (Well)31 1