Fielding in Brabin Tournament 1956/57 (Ordered by Catches)

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GT McConnell (Well)37 7
WP Bradburn (Auck)25 5
KD Briggs (Ot)3527
PPW Morris (Auck)34 4
JE Bull (Auck)23 3
MR Ellis (Auck)23 3
GA Isaacs (Ot)33 3
ID Smith (Ot)33 3
JR Veitch (Ot)33 3
JT Ward (Cant)33 3
DE Woods (Cant)23 3
KJ Ansell (Ot)32 2
GK Austin (Cant)32 2
JH Bray (Well)22 2
PRG Chetwin (Ot)32 2
NB Darrow (Auck)32 2
PJ Havill (Auck)32 2
D Hill (Cant)32 2
LR Pearson (Ot)32 2
JM Pope (Well)32 2
PM Smith (Auck)32 2
K Thomson (Cant)32 2
DJ Vear (Well)32 2
MJ Aim (Ot)21 1
JD Behrent (Auck)31 1
RK Cole (Cant)11 1
GW Cowles (Ot)21 1
MEF Dormer (Well)3112
GT Dowling (Cant)31 1
BF Hastings (Well)31 1
B Meale (Well)31 1
CR Nicholson (Ot)31 1
RH Prouting (Cant)31 1
AF Rapley (Cant)31 1
RG Small (Well)21 1
NE Smith (Cant)31 1
JT Sparling (Auck)31 1
LR Thompson (Ot)31 1
DSG Smith (Auck)3011