Bowling in Amalgamated Theatres Shield 1934/35 (Ordered by Player)

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DL Bailey (Well)361922-34.50 00
PS Brogan (Well)198106173-188.71 00
NR Bullock (Wan)120110    
J Campbell (Wan)13872911-2929.00 00
MC Corby (Wan)6611933-196.33 00
NA Dixon (Auck)15614975-227.00 10
FC Fifield (Wan)120211-22.00 00
MJ Fulford (Well)13835732-1119.00 00
E Good (Wan)18120    
N Hickling (Auck)7232011-1320.00 00
E Hodson (Wan)240170    
EM Hulse (Auck)24060    
AE Hurcomb (Well)16876163-3210.16 00
G Johnson (Wan)542130    
W Kumeroa (Wan)300150    
JG Lamason (Well)130911-99.00 00
K Lockett (Wan)8444222-4221.00 00
EI McConkey (Auck)5431522-117.50 00
ACS Menzies (Well)781340    
R Meyer (Wan)5211644-164.00 00
W Murray (Wan)601430    
EM Page (Auck)15682864-214.66 00
JAM Page (Auck)9342132-147.00 00
S Ratana (Wan)360180    
D Reid (Wan)4812211-2222.00 00
CO Robertson (Well)302722-23.50 00
MI Rofe (Well)240120    
A Trillo (Wan)13228722-8743.50 00