Fielding in Plunket Shield 1919/20 (Ordered by Stumpings)

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RW Rowntree (Auck)2325
JW Condliffe (Well)2011
A Anthony (Auck)21 1
WA Baker (Well)21 1
RC Blunt (Cant)25 5
W Brook-Smith (Auck)11 1
LR Brunton (Cant)25 5
RJ Coates (Auck)21 1
CCR Dacre (Auck)21 1
CE Evans (Cant)21 1
DR Garrard (Auck)22 2
CW Garrod (Well)11 1
LG Hemus (Auck)22 2
E Horspool (Auck)21 1
HN Lambert (Well)23 3
HB Lusk (Auck)12 2
BA Marris (Well)11 1
WR Patrick (Cant)21 1
AS Player (Auck)21 1
RJ Read (Cant)21 1
DM Sandman (Cant)21 1
SG Smith (Auck)21 1
ANC Snedden (Auck)22 2
WG Wagstaffe (Well)11 1